I was fired from my elder's position.
Something to do with loving my neighbour..
But that was a LONG time ago
yep--that would do it--Snug
full details please.
information just passed to me.
let's hope this becomes even more widespread.
i wonder if the britain branch suspects a conspiracy?
I was fired from my elder's position.
Something to do with loving my neighbour..
But that was a LONG time ago
yep--that would do it--Snug
full details please.
....is that it has totally wiped away the distinct celebration of november 5th and bonfire night.
fireworks and bonfires are still ubiquitous this time of year but it's just merged in with halloween which, whilst always being celebrated, was not as promoted and so overwhelming as it is now.. bring back the guy!.
i used to love the run up to bonfire night --as a kid. such fun with bangers----stuffing them up car exhausts---posting them into letter boxes. tying them to rockets and firing them at other gangs. dropping them fizzing into muddy puddles.
happy days --lol
"what if you were god.
", is a popular question.. a similar question, that is not so popular, is "what if you and i are god?
i'm not god--i'm Satan.
i have a lot more fun than that miserable old git
a number of years ago when i was still active, our service group was having a coffee break with the visiting circuit overseer.
during the conversation he mentioned that the "society" was now being run like a business.
being raised in the "truth" i thought that rather odd (and my eyes began to be opened!
going back 50 years to my late teens--i was a regular pio and a servant then------i was in a working class congregation--most of the men had jobs--but low incomes--and several mouths to feed.
the donated income was very low----mainly due to the "jehovah will provide " attitude---meaning someone else will stump up.
i know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
recently at a funeral for an active jw, death was sudden and tragic.
was surprised that that one of the disfellowshipped children of the deceased was comforted by the jw's at the funeral.
i would say the majority hugged and said a few short words to the disfellowshipped child on the recieving line to comfort the family.
just got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
"The Watchtower has always said; Jehovah will take care of you",
jehovah IS taking care of them
we are madly in love with each other and she is in the process of being divorced.
let me make one thing clear i'm not the reason for the divorce.
she attempted to reconcile with him but to no avail.
the age difference is nothing. if its both what you want--go for it, she will get disfellowshipped---which is the best thing that could happen to her. then--prove your love for her.
go for it man !
i was just explaining to mrs picard........ never a jw, and not english, how we used to celebrate the harvest festival, when i was 7 and younger, before my parents converted to jw'ism.. i loved to sing "we plough the fields and scatter".
of course, singing such hymns is, to a jw, paramount to apostasy,with the death penalty like punishment the ensued.. how really stupid their harsh rules.. did you have any favourite hymns?.
i think we would all agree, that they beat the pants off the "kingdom melodies".
say no more-----
being raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.